Botlierskop does it differently. Here’s a creative African perspective on conservation and sustainability, where ‘people-development’ forms part of a near-perfect symbiosis. The owner, Arnold Neethling is a builder of buildings, vision and of people. Arnold believes that true empowerment is training up people and letting go. Yes, there is a risk they may make mistakes, but it’s their mistake to correct and take ownership of. He grew this magnificent, luxury game farm from employing 4 people twenty years ago, to over 180 people today. In this interview Arnold also questions why the world feels they can dictate conservation policies to Africa when they have no vested interest in Africa. He also questions the motive behind some so called conservation organizations.
Botlierskop’s conservation footprint reaches out across Africa. The partnership program with resident veterinary Dr.Willem Burger and Arnold Neethling has projects in many African countries including, Mozambique, Ivory Coast, Chad, and Somalia. In this video you will find a sequence on helicopter elephant-darting at Botlierskop, which forms part of a new exciting African cancer research program. The breakthrough African research program explores a possible link between elephants and humans, as elephants have cancer-resistant cells in their DNA. In a separate video (link here) we interview Dr Burger, as well as the scientist Charlot Vandevoorde behind this unique African initiative.
Meet Silas Sibanda, a charismatic, enthusiastic, college-trained game ranger who is living his life-passion at Botlierskop. Silas was part of a Botlierskop program to release previous zoo elephants successfully back into the wild. Also meet Botlierskop’s veteran marketing manager Francina Terblanche who has been with Botlierskop from the very beginning, as well as Eben Karsten who is heads up their unique horse breeding program.