The documentary presents a history of artists of color in South Africa. The 5 pioneer artists being; George Pemba, Gerard Sekoto, Gerard Benghu, Ernest Mancoba and John Koenakeefe Mohl. These artists laid a foundation that influenced many great modernists and contemporary artists, such as internationally acclaimed William Kentridge, whose father was the anti-apartheid lawyer who defended Nelson Mandela at the Rivonia trial. During the apartheid years people of color were not allowed to go to universities to study art. The government at the time created a recreation center for migrant laborers in Polly Street, Johannesburg. In an ironic twist, this center became an underground teaching school for artists of color. A cross pollination took place where artists on both sides of the race lines were influenced. The art collection at Ellerman House is vast with over 1000 pieces. Paul Harris, the owner of Ellerman House focused primarily on South African art and acquired the collection over several decades. The collection gives a better overview of the history of South African art than any of the institutional art museums. Talita Swarts, the owner of Art Route in Cape Town, presents the documentary.